Welcome to StolenRecipes.net home page! Thanks for stopping by. For every recipe I stole and posted about there is one of the following:

  • quote about food, eating, cooking or the recipe
  • a piece of trivia about the recipe or main ingredient
  • a comic strip about food or the recipe

You can follow me on Pinterest, I am Stolen Recipes! All the recipes I have posted on this website are pinned on the board “Recipes I’ve Made.”

I am also on Instgram! But Recipe Thief was already taken so I am the Recipe Thief @mystolenrecipes. Or follow #stolenrecipe or #RecipeThief.

A Food Holiday Calendar page has been added. All of the National Food Holidays are listed in calendar order with links to specific recipes for that specific Food Holiday. Some days have more than one recipe listed, so you have more than one way to celebrate!

Listed below are this week’s and last week’s posts. You can jump to any of the recipe posts by clicking on the recipe titles.

This Week’s Posts

Crockpot Philly Cheesesteaks

These delicious sandwiches are easy to make in the slow cooker. Beef roast is seared and placed in a slow cooker with beef broth, Coke, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, beef bouillon, Dijon mustard, and lots of spices. Sliced onions are put on top before cooking for several hours. Then the beef is sliced and returned to the slow cooker with green peppers and mushrooms and cooked until the vegetables are soft. Next sandwich rolls are toasted in the oven, then topped with meat, veggies and sliced provolone cheese and baked until the cheese is melted.

Last Week’s Posts

Spinach Artichoke Buns

These delicious buns are easy to make but look fancy enough to come from a bakery. Cream cheese, mayonnaise, garlic powder, red pepper, salt, black pepper and onion powder are mixed together. Then chopped artichokes, spinach, cheddar and Parmesan cheeses are added to the mix. Next tubes of crescent rolls are rolled out and the artichoke mixture is spread on top. The dough is rolled up and sliced. Then the buns are placed in a baking dish and brushed with butter and baked until golden.

Pork Chop Marinade

This recipe is a great option for Memorial Day grilling. Olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, Italian seasoning, Dijon mustard, salt and pepper are whisk together in a bowl. Then pork chops are added to the mixture and marinated for at least 1 hour. Next the pork chops are grilled six minutes each side until done.

A quote, a comic and a plan

“I’m going to break one of the rules of the trade here. I’m going to tell you some of the secrets of improvisation. Just remember—it’s always a good idea to follow the directions exactly the first time you try a recipe. But from then on, you’re on your own.” – James Beard

Sometimes, you have to try a recipe to realize how to change it to your liking. I change a lot of what I cook, I look at the original recipe for inspiration, then tweak things from there. Sometimes it’s a small changes, sometimes it’s a drastic change. But I’m always willing to try a new recipe and I hope you will too!